A man returned after seeing the world 647 years ahead! Made 5 scary claims, the sun will disappear and a pandemic will come

A man returned after seeing the world 647 years ahead! Made 5 scary claims, the sun will disappear and a pandemic will come

It is human nature to always want to know about our future. In such a situation, we take refuge in an astrologer who can tell us about our future by looking at the movement of planets and stars. It is human nature to want to know more about things that he has not seen, so everyone finds things about the future exciting. To increase this excitement, a person has claimed that he has seen the world 650 years ahead.

Astrology and numerology are used to predict the future. Apart from this, there are some people who claim to have time travelled. One such time traveller has claimed that he has returned after seeing the world 647 years ahead. He has made 5 dangerous claims related to the year 2024, which will scare you just by hearing them.

These 5 important events will happen this year…
According to the report of Daily Star, the man’s name is Eno Alaric and he has created his social media account with the name @theradianttimetraveller. 9 lakh people also follow him. He has made 5 mind-blowing predictions from this account, which we are telling you –

20 September The festival will see 70 different species of animals in Australia, including a 3ft spider, 60ft butterflies and a towering giraffe.

23 October Humans will learn about immortality through solar energy vibes. The strange energy coming from the sun will show people when they will die. Some people will also know that they will never die and are immortal.

25 October On 20th May, a musician who was thought dead to be alive will announce that he is alive. He will reveal that he had lied about his death.

9 November The sun would disappear for a week and the world would go into darkness.

12 November On 20 November, an alien remains will be discovered under the ice of Antarctica. It will be carrying a mysterious disease that will spread rapidly across the world. There will be no cure for it.

To prove his point, the man has told the future events along with dates. These predictions are so strange that people started asking how many of Ino’s things have come true so far? By the way, let us tell you that Anorik had made many predictions about this year before this, but they have never come true literally.

Tags: Amazing news amazing news, Bizarre news, Viral news

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